Saturday, June 9, 2007

Minutes from June 9, 2007

Democratic Women of Johnson County - Minutes
Regular Monthly Meeting
Saturday, June 9, 2007
10:00 am
Cook’s Cafeteria

Meeting to be called to order at 10:05 am

Secretary: Reading and approval of the minutes from April 14 and May 10, 2007

Treasurer’s Report: As of 6/9 $399.19; canopy $106.62; Now $292.57; donations at booth $11.76

Program by Judy Walsh: Hillary Clinton, Candidate for President: Please pick up the handout with the details of the program.
Early life
Law School
Professional Career
First Lady of Arkansas
First Lady of the United States
First Term Senate
Second Term Senate
Presidential Candidate

Meeting items presented by Evelyn Cook, President
Canopy is great; thanks to ALL involved; 136 people signed the guest book at MSAF
Trade Days is a no
New meeting place as discussed, motioned, seconded, and voted unanimously yes to be the Johnson County Community Center (same time
New members should volunteer to serve on a committee
Next meeting discuss a fund raiser
DWJC vests: suggestion that we research on Internet at Democratic website by Carole Maulden. Vote-yes

Report by Terry Warden
4th of July in Ralph Stout Park
Chamber provides fireworks and band
5 pm prayer service
1776 flag raising with placing of wreath and music
Party: during VETS will have a table with drinks and snacks and a book to sign
7 pm parade sponsored by the Kiwanis and Republican Women of Johnson County.
Sign up to receive a letter of list of VETS to call with a script provided.

Report by Carole Maulden
Assignments of call list distributed
Script: identify yourself, invite to join DWJC, answer question (If you don’t know the answer, refer them to Carole.)

Adjourn meeting at 11:01 am

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