Monday, January 12, 2009

Minutes from January 10, 2009 (Pending Approval)

Democratic Women of Johnson County
January 10, 2009

Pres. Belinda Gelman opened the meeting at 10 am and welcomed everybody. To get to know each other better, she asked each member to introduce themselves and give a short account of their background, place of birth, etc.

Minutes of December 13, 2008 were read and approved with additions and amendment.
Addition: Names of new officers
Amendment: To find out who is in charge of getting those 9 books we voted on - Lynne Cheney's "We the People" to be distributed to the local schools and library.

Financial Report: Treasurer Judy Walsh was absent. Yearly dues are $10 to be paid at the March meeting.

Kitty Hegemann agreed to be our legislative advisor to keep membership informed and up to date on national and local issues. Carole Maulden made motion to accept, Kathleen Gehr seconded. All approved. We'll have to vote again in March.

Also voted on was the position of Public Relations. Karin Bell volunteered for that. Romayne St. John made motion, Carole Maulden seconded, all approved.

Belinda read the duties of each officer and committee chariman according to the By-Laws.

No old business was discussed, and Belinda skipped new business to give Bobby Smith time for her presentation on Barack Obama.

Bobby highly recommended the book "Change We Can Believe In" which served as the inspiration for her report outlinging his ideas for the future of America. Her in-depth and interesting presentation was enjoyed by all present.

Belinda made closing comments.

We will have a leadership workshop at the March meeting and Kitty Hegemann will introduce speaker.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am
Submitted by: Karin Bell, Secretary
Date: January 11, 2009