Thursday, May 24, 2007

Minutes from May 19, 2007

Democratic Women of Johnson County
Monthly Meeting
Saturday, May 19, 2007
9:00 am
Mountain City Community Center
Meeting to be called to order at 9:00 am

Conversation and breakfast

Reading and approval of the minutes from April 14, 2007 – Postponed until next meeting

Treasurer’s report – Postponed until next meeting

Proposal by the Secretary regarding copies of the agenda and minutes – Post to web and send by email except those who do not have email.

Please submit committee minutes to Kitty

Evelyn: Approved a wreath for the Veterans Memorial for Memorial Day; approved splitting list of JC vets to call to get them to attend and be honored during the July 4 celebration – Terry Warden will bring the list at the next meeting; Doug McFadden will bring up for approval our having a booth during Trade Days at the next committee meeting; concerning the call list – keep list private (it may only be used for political purposes), be circumspect, establish rapport, call in your district, assign by pairs, note with a star those you contact who seem excited about becoming involved; cost of printing 1000 copies of the brochure – Belinda will check prices at Staples and Kinkos.

Committee Meetings
Membership (Chair Carole Maulden): The Membership Committee assigned DWJC members to each of 12 voting precincts. Lists of Democratic voters from each precinct will be distributed to those assigned, for the purpose of calling potential new members.

Program and Social (Chair Helen McQueen): Helen McQueen, Chair, Lydia Lewis, Vice Chair, Evelyn Cook, Bobbie Smith, Judy Walsh. The Program and Social Committee met Sat. May 19, 2007 at 9:00AM in the Johnson County Community Center for a work session. Democratic candidates running for President in 2008 will be presented as our programs for future meetings of the Johnson County Democratic Women. June 9th meeting-Hillary by Judy Walsh or Tommy Walsh will present the history of our Johnson County Democratic Party. July 14th meeting-Judy Walsh or Tommy Walsh. August 11th meeting-Membership Committee. September 8th meeting-Obama by Evelyn. October 13th meeting-Cranberry Festival not sure on program. November 10th meeting-Richardson by Belinda. December 8th meeting-Christmas social-invite other Democratic women of the county.

Publicity and Public Relations (Chair Katherine Hegemann): Edited the brochure (Kathy is now in college and Kitty will complete the project.); arrangements needed for tent (buy), table and chairs (Flo), ice chest and ice (Flo), cups (Kitty), streamers and other decorations (Evelyn and Carole), candy (Evelyn), handouts (Carole); executive committee approved $100 for the tent; Democrat Resource Center handouts like pencils, pens, buttons (Kitty)

Next meeting will be June 9.
Adjourn meeting 10:30 am
Submitted by: Katherine Hegemann
Not Yet Approved

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