Saturday, November 10, 2007

Minutes from November 10, 2007

Democratic Women of Johnson County
Regular Monthly Meeting
Saturday, November 10, 2007
10:00 am
JCMC Community Center
Presiding: Evelyn Cook, President

Meeting called to order at 10:08 am

Shirley Brahaney, Treasurer JCDP: Pot Luck Democratic Dinner (MC-JC Community Center) on Jan. 12, 2008 @ 6:00 pm. The party needs fundraisers and wants the DWJC help. Money is needed for a 2008 headquarters. Flo Bellamy is taking names for helping with the dinner.

Katherine Hegemann: Reading and approval of the minutes from October 6, 2007

Carole Maulden: Treasurer’s report of $329.83-35.00=$294.83 ($35 to FUMC for printing)

Karen Bell: Vest committee reports that Belinda Gelman didn’t pick hers up last meeting. Kitty Hegemann has paid as of this morning.

Evelyn Cook: Veterans Day Celebration after the meeting and we will adjourn early. Good past year and the coming year will be better. Items from the floor.

Katherine Hegemann: Motion for us to Adopt-A-Family for Christmas. Kathleen Mount seconded. Voted yes.

Katherine Hegemann: Every member donate $5 minimum at the December meeting and may donate more.

Bobbie Smith: Homeless family is moving into a trailer Monday and they need everything. They are at the Mountain Empire Motel until then. Their last name is Hammonds. Mother, father and 3 kids.
Motion to adopt this family. Bring items and money to the December meeting.

Helen McQueen: Program committee is planning a Christmas brunch at the December meeting from 10 am-12 pm. Wanda and Kitty will coordinate a list of what needs to be brought and inform the members.

Helen McQueen: Nominating committee slate named and motioned to elect. The motioned seconded and unanimous vote of yes.
President: Wanda Payne; Vice President: Judy Walsh; Secretary: Katherine Hegemann; Treasurer: Carole Maulden; Parliamentarian: Romayne St. John

Wanda Payne expressed her thanks. She and the rest of the officers will be introduced and installed at the December meeting.

Evelyn Cook: Adjourned meeting at 10:40 am

Date: November 10, 2008
Submitted by Katherine Hegemann

Approved: January 19, 2008