Saturday, January 20, 2007




(Blue represents parts not needed at present and may be changed if we do need them.)


Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Democratic Women of Johnson County, hereinafter may be identified as DWJC.


Section 1: The purpose of this organization shall be to unite all Democratic women in Johnson County TN into one group for the success of the Democratic Party.

Section 2: To give all Democratic women an opportunity to study and understand what the Democratic Party stands for and to work for its effectiveness.

Section 3: To discover capable and well-informed leaders among women in every voting precinct in Johnson County TN.


Section 1: This organization shall be affiliated with the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women (TFDW) upon fulfilling the membership requirements of the Federation.


Section 1: This organization pledges itself to the active support of all Democratic nominees for Public Office. For the purpose of these By-Laws, Public Office is defined as a paid, elective office in local, state and federal government.

Section 2: In other campaign activities, this organization shall be governed by the following regulations:

A: The Democratic Women of Johnson County as an acting organization shall not endorse or support the candidacy of any person for Public or Party Office prior to nomination in a Democratic Primary or Convention.

B: The President of this organization shall not endorse or support the candidacy of any person for Public Office prior to nomination in a Democratic Primary or Convention.

C: Other members of the Executive board or of the organization may be active in behalf of candidates prior to nomination, provided that no public attention is called to their connection with the Democratic Women of Johnson County.

Section 3: The activities of an individual member as a candidate or in behalf of a candidate for an office within the Democratic Party are exempt for the regulations in Section 2.

Section 4: Members may act in the name of this organization only when authorized to do so by the Executive Board.

Section 5: Publicity related to policy matters or official actions shall be released only by the President or by the Publicity Committee at her direction.

Section 6: Failure to comply with any of the above Sections of Article IV shall result in removal from office for elected or appointed members of the Executive Board. Other members shall be subject to censure and/or any appropriate action deemed necessary by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board.

Section 7: The books of the organization shall be audited annually at the direction of the Executive Board.


Section 1: Any Democratic Woman may become a member of this organization upon subscribing to its Purpose and Aims, attendance at its meetings and payment of dues.

Section 2: Democratic men may become non-voting associate members upon payment of 50% of regular membership dues.


Section 1: Delegates to the Annual Convention of the TFDW shall be the President and the number of members stipulated by the regulations of the Federation.

Section 2: Delegates and alternates shall be elected by and from the active members of the organization at the first meeting following certification of the delegate count by the TFDW.

Section 3: The President shall be the recognized leader of the delegation.

Section 4: The organization shall assume responsibility for all expenses of the President to the Annual Convention and to required Board meetings of the TFDW.

Section 5: The organization shall provide some expense monies for the delegates to the Annual Convention and for attendance by designated Officers or Committee Chairmen at other TFDW meetings, by vote of the Membership.


Section 1: The elected offices of this organization shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. (The appointed officer shall be a Parliamentarian.)

Section 2: The qualifications for office shall include current membership in good standing, leadership ability, experience in organizational work, a strong interest in the Democratic Party and its principles and the freedom of time to devote to the duties of the office.

Section 3: No member may serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms. A term is considered one year.

Section 4: Duties of the officers:

A: The President shall 1) preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board; 2) appoint standing Committee Chairmen, Special Committees as needed and a parliamentarian; 3) notify the Chairman of the Nominating Committee of any vacancy occurring in an elective office and direct the Nominating Committee to present at the next regular meeting, the name of the nominee to fill the vacancy; 4) act between monthly meetings on any urgent matter of policy or procedure, and bring it to the attention of the organization at the next regular meeting 5) represent the organization at the Annual Convention and Board Meetings of TFDW (if unable to attend, designate a delegate as her representative); 6) be an ex-officio member of all Committees, except the Nominating Committee.

B: The Vice-President shall 1) preside at meetings in the absence of the President; 2) coordinate all activities of the Standing Committees; 3) function as chairman of the Program Committee; 4) work closely with the President in determining and conducting fund raising projects; 5) perform other duties appropriate to the office as assigned by the President.

C: The Secretary shall 1) prepare and preserve minutes of all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board; 2) maintain the organization’s membership register and maintain an attendance register of members present at meetings; 3) conduct the correspondence related to the business of the organization, at the direction of the President; 4) assist the President as needed in preparing agendas for meetings; 5) in the absence of the President and the Vice-President, call meetings to order and preside in the election of a President pro-tempore; 6) if the meeting date is changed, the Secretary shall notify the meeting place of the change.

D: The Treasurer shall 1) receive and disburse, with the approval of the Executive Board, all monies of the organization; 2) write all checks, counter-signed by the President, in payment of bills approved by the Executive Board; 3) issue receipts upon receiving payment of membership dues; 4) forward “per member” dues assessment to the TFDW by the last day of February of each year; 5) present the financial report at the monthly meetings of the organization and to the Executive Board upon request; 6) prepare all reports necessary to County officials and State.

E: The Parliamentarian shall 1) advise the President on matters of procedure with respect to nominations, motions, obtaining the floor, tabling, amendments, et cetera; 2) advise the Executive Board during their deliberations; 3) preserve order during organization and / or Board proceedings.


Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, the chairmen of standing committees, the parliamentarian and the immediate past President. Other members are welcome to attend but shall be non-voting.

Section 2: The Executive Board shall a) be responsible for developing the program and budget of the organization and for carrying it out with the support of the membership; b) adopt such policies and regulations as may be deemed appropriate for the effective operation of the organization; c) accept resignations and fill vacancies in elective offices; d) represent and act between meetings of the organization upon matters of policy and procedure and report, through minutes, to the organization at the next regular meeting.

Section 3: The Executive Board shall hold meetings at the call of the President or upon the request of five members of the Board.

Section 4: Any Officer or Committee chair who is absent from two consecutive

meetings of the Executive Board without legitimate reason may be removed from the Executive Board after said person has been notified.

Section 5: Vacancies occurring on the Executive Board shall be filled by a 2/3 vote of the members of the Board.


Section 1: There shall be the following Standing Committees: Membership, Finance, Publicity & Public Relations, Legislative, Program, Precinct Coordination, and By-Laws.

Section 2: Duties of the Standing Committees:

A: Membership Committee shall establish and maintain Membership files, prepare current membership rolls, notify members of dues payable and collect same, and conduct an annual membership drive.

B: Finance Committee shall receive from the Treasurer the proposed annual budget, further develop the proposal with the Executive Board and submit it to the membership for approval. It shall suggest annual amount of dues with Executive Board approval and conduct fund raising efforts, as needed.

C: Publicity & Public Relations Committee shall send notices for all meetings to the news media, shall obtain media coverage of activities, shall coordinate with publicity for County, District and State Democratic activities.

D: Legislative Committee shall keep the membership informed about Local, State and National issues and activities, shall work with the TFDW Legislative Committee, shall work with Legislators, as needed, to promote issues or positions of Democratic Women’s organization and shall work with the County Democratic Committee on Legislative affairs.

E: Program Committee shall plan a schedule of programs for the year and present a program at each designated meeting.

F: Precinct Coordination Committee shall be responsible for implementation of Section 3 of PURPOSE AND AIMS, shall encourage participation of women in meetings and activities of the Democratic Party at the Precinct, County, District and State levels.

G: By-Laws Committee shall interpret or propose changes in the By-Laws as requested or appears appropriate.

Section 3: The appointed chairman of each standing committee shall select and organize a committee to carry out the assigned duties.

Section 4: The appointed chairman shall attend all Executive Board meetings.


Section 1: Nomination of Officers

A. All officers for 2006 shall remain in place for 2007 unless that officer requests removal. Nominating Committee of five members shall be elected by the membership at the next to the last business meeting of the year.

B. Nominees for this committee shall be members in good standing who are currently active in the affairs of the organization, who are knowledgeable of the membership and have indicated a willingness to serve.

C: If more than five members are nominated, election shall be by the largest number of votes being elected.

D: The President shall designate the Chairman, whose duty it shall be to call meetings of the Committee, secure a slate of officers and present the slate at the last business meeting of the year.

E:The Nominating Committee shall pick women whose abilities, training, experience and interests qualify them for the offices to be filled. The Committee shall exercise care and concern to ensure that the total membership is represented.

Section 2: Election

A: Election of officers shall be held at the last business meeting of the year, with installation to follow at the first business meeting of the new year.

B: After a slate is presented by the Nominating Committee, nominations may be made from the floor by any member, provided that consent of the nominee has been obtained.

C: The voting method shall be by one method in a given election: 1) roll-call; 2) ballot; 3) voice vote; 4) show of hands; or 5) standing.


Section 1: The Fiscal Year of the organization shall be from January 1st of each year to December 31st. The dues for 2006 and 2007 shall be $10.00 per year.

Section 2: Meetings of this organization shall be each month on the second Saturday, at 10:00 a.m., at Cook’s Cafeteria. The membership shall be notified by some suitable means of changes to this schedule.

Section 3: Additional meetings may be held as needed and also shall be held upon request by five members and due notice give.


Section 1: It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to suggest the amount of dues per member.

Section 2: The amount of dues per member shall be adopted annually at the last business meeting of the year, by a majority vote, and shall become payable in January.

Section 3: Any member who has not paid by May 1st shall be considered to be in arrears and so notified by the Membership Committee Chairman.


Section 1: The members present at any regular or called meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business provided that the number of members present shall be at least one-tenth of the total membership.

Section 2: A simple majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business by the Executive Board.

Section 3: A majority of the votes cast by those present at any meeting of the membership or of the Executive Board, a quorum having been established, shall be needed to confirm or deny a motion.


Section 1: Amendments to these By-Laws may be submitted by any member for consideration by the membership at any regular meeting.

Section 2: Any amendment(s) so submitted shall be voted upon at the succeeding regular meeting with a two-thirds vote of those present needed to adopt the amendment(s), a quorum having been established.


Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised) shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which are not inconsistent with the By-Laws of this organization.

Section 2: It shall be the duty of the duly appointed Parliamentarian to advise the President, as needed, to ensure that the business and offices of the organization are carried out according to these adopted By-Laws.

(Items in blue do not apply at this time.)

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