Monday, September 21, 2009

September 2009 Minutes


September 13, 2009

The Democratic Women of Johnson County met at the First United Methodist Church, meeting was called to order by President Belinda Gelman at 10:10 AM. 8 members were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. is the new website thanks to Kitty Hegemann’s computer expertise.

Belinda suggested that members subscribe to an excellent political website worth visiting. It gives up-to date information about concerns that can be addressed by contacting your congressman or senator.

If we need to make our voices heard - we have divided our membership list into 4 sections. Belinda Gelman, Kathleen Mount, Evelyn Cook and Kathleen Gehr are in charge of one section but will consult each other first if such calls are desirable. They will also call members now before each meeting to remind them.

Belinda feels that we lost momentum by meeting only bi-monthly during a non-election year and suggested that we change the by-law accordingly.Since this was brought up at the last meeting already the members voted to change the by-laws as read and take effect immediately.

Article IX : Meetings

Section 2: Meetings of this organization shall be held every month on the second Saturday at 10 AM at the Kathleen Mount conference room at the Johnson County Public Library.

Belinda made the motion, Kitty seconded, motion was carried.

Kathleen Gehr reported on her efforts to find suitable material for our essay contest at the high school. She really liked a book on the US Constitution by Christine Taylor-Butler for $3.75.Evelyn Cook suggested that we put this particular project on the back burner for right now and not put our motives in question judging by the criticism Pres. Obama received for his speech on education - after all we operate in a dominantly republican county. The essay is tabled for the moment, but Kitty will work on a lesson plan.

Wanda Payne ask us to sponsor an appreciation luncheon for the staff of Safe Haven on October 26,2009 11:30-1 PM at the First United Methodist Church.She passed around a sign-up sheet for the food and also ask that each member contribute about $20.00 so we can start a “personal items fund“.Some abused women have to leave a dangerous situation in a hurry and are often without any personal hygiene items or bed clothing.Wanda also made a motion to officially adopt Safe Haven. Evelyn seconded. Motion was carried.

Kitty Hegemann gave the legislative report and passed out reading material on the 4 basic models of Health Care. More Information can be found on

Meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM, next meeting on October 10, 2009.

Respectfully submitted

Karin Bell, Secretary

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