Monday, July 13, 2009

DWJC Minutes for May 9, 2009

The bi-monthly meeting of the Democratic Women of Johnson County was called to order in the absence of President Belinda Gelman by Secretary Karin Bell at 10:00 AM.

Members present were Karin Bell, Flora Bellamy, Evelyn Cook, Bobbie Smith, Jill Bontrager, Kitty Hegeman, Helen McQueen and Judy Walsh.

Minutes of the March meeting were approved and Treasurer Judy Walsh reported that the current bank balance was $341.63.

The majority of the meeting was spent discussing ways we could promote our organization in the community. All agreed that we should go into the schools and help educate students on such things as the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc. Jill said that she would check on obtaining free copies of the constitution to hand out. Another suggestion was made that we have an essay contest based on a topic from the school visits and the constitution hand outs and offer prizes. This was discussed at length regarding such things as age limits, grades included, monetary prizes to be offered, and form or application to accompany the submitted essays.

It was decided to bring this matter to the next meeting when President Gelman would be present and members will bring other ideas regarding this.

Legislative Representative, Kitty Hegeman, reported on several items. One of which was the resolve by the state to have new voting machines in every precinct in the state being undermined by republican majority. She also reported that they were trying to loosen the restrictions on activities that threaten our water supply. Another article was supplied for members to read regarding the need for a state income tax to keep the state solvent.

Plans were made for the next meeting. Flora Bellamy stated that the Community Center was previously booked for another event so we would be unable to use the facility for our July meeting. It was decided to meet at Evelyn Cook’s home and to have a pot luck picnic luncheon after the meeting. This will be on July 11, 2009 at 10:00 AM for the meeting with picnic to follow.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Walsh

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