Saturday, April 10, 2010

Minutes for April 10, 2010

The meeting began with coffee and breakfast sweet breads at 9:50 am.

Meeting called to order at 10:05 am.

Present: Kathleen Gehr, Kitty Hegemann, Louise Hamm, Helen McQueen, Bobbie Smith, Kathleen Mount, Romayne St. John, and Jill Bontrager.


Kitty Hegemann read the minutes, which were approved.

Copies of the minutes need to be provided to all attendees at each meeting.

We will send a postcard, costing $.28 each, for three months then evaluate their effectiveness, which was approved.

We will continue the call list with the four people agreeing to do this task, which was approved. The callers will notify the secretary of those who wish to be removed from the list.

The secretary will contact the librarian about using the public library for our meeting, which was approved. The secretary will then let the members know the outcome.


Kathleen Gehr reported on two health care reform topics: key benefits beginning this year and benefits for retirees.

A. What Healthcare Reform Means for Us

Many of us are wondering how the healthcare reforms signed into law earlier this week will impact us. It's important to know that nothing in the bill changes our right to negotiate our healthcare benefits.

B. Key Healthcare Reform Benefits Starting THIS YEAR Include:

    1. Ending lifetime limits on benefits.

    2. Regulating annual limits on benefits from 2010-2013 (abolishing them in 2014).

    3. Allowing young adults to stay on their parents' insurance plan up to age 26.

    4. Banning the insurance company practice of denying coverage for pre-existing conditions for children. The ban applies to everyone in 2014 and provides a subsidized high-risk pool in the meantime for those unable to secure coverage.

    5. Ending gender discrimination in insurance rates.Stopping the insurance company tactic of dropping coverage for people who get sick.

C. Benefits for Retirees - Including Early Retirees - Include:

    1. Assisting pre-Medicare retirees with insurance costs. Under the new law, 80 percent of plan costs over $15,000 will be paid through a new program.

    2. Providing assistance to employers and Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Associations (VEBAs) to encourage them to continue coverage for pre-Medicare retirees.

    3. Phasing out the Medicare drug "doughnut hole."

    4. Eliminating co-pays for preventative screenings.

    5. Extending the life of the Medicare Trust Fund through cuts in wasteful spending.

The topic will be carried over to the next meeting with Kitty discussing the law and mandates, Jill the exchanges, Louise the flaws, and Helen the benefits and consequences of no action.

Remainder of the time was each attendee stating what they would like to see change about health care.

Kitty will submit a short article about the changes and benefits to seniors to include the donut hole and advantage plans.

Meeting Adjourned: 11:05 am

Next Meeting: May 8th at 9:45 am with the place to be determined

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