Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Minutes for August 8, 2009

Pending Approval

August 8, 2009

The Democratic Women of Johnson County met at the home of Evelyn Cook and the meeting was called to order by Vice President Kathleen Gehr at 10:30 AM. 14 members were present
Since we could not meet at the Community center due to conflicting schedules, Kathleen Mount suggested to use the conference room at the library as an alternative if the need arises again.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

Treasurers report was read and approved, current balance $391.63

* Old business:
The essay contest at the schools was postponed until spring of next year to make sure we have the necessary tools and most of all permission to conduct such a contest.
We narrowed the target age to 5th grade since that grade is actively engaged in social studies and the Constitution.
Wanda Payne will find out what steps we have to take to be able to conduct a class on the subject and an essay contest.

Evelyn Cook presented a copy of the constitution in a handy small booklet, which is available thru the National Center for Constitutional Studies. Cost is $30.00 for 100 copies, shipping included. Jill Bontrager offered to buy 100 copies.
Wanda mentioned that most classes now are no larger than 25 students. Also a book for juveniles by Lynn Cheney “We the people” ($14.95) might be a good additional teaching tool.

Kathleen Gehr and Karin Bell offered to do more research and see if they can get any more ideas or help thru the Democratic Party’s website, DNC.org. They will report on their findings at the next meeting.

* New Business:
Kitty Hegemann talked about the voting records of our representatives and handed out copies of a more detailed report.
Kitty also suggested for the members to think about changing the by-laws concerning our meeting dates to go back to monthly instead of bi-monthly and discuss this idea at the next meeting. She feels in order to stay more focused on our agenda and goals, we should meet as often as we do during an election year.

Judy Walsh, a former nurse gave a short talk on the need for Health Care reform which evolved into a lively discussion among the members.

Next meeting will be September 12, 2009 at 10AM at the Community Center.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:15AM and was followed by a delicious luncheon which was enjoyed by all.

Respectfully submitted

Karin Bell, Secretary